Post-Trash's Year In Review: The Best of 2024
Tropical Fuck Storm Discuss Live Albums, Their Writing Process, and Tour Stories | Feature Interview
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: Tropical Fuck Storm - "Inflatable Graveyard"
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (July 15th - July 21st)
Post-Trash's Year In Review: The Best of 2023
Gareth Liddiard (Tropical Fuck Storm, Springtime, The Drones) Takes Stock | Feature Interview
Post-Trash's Best of 2023 | The Mid-Year Report
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (January 30th - February 5th)
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (November 28th - December 18th)
Further Listening: A Compendium | Year-End 2022 Feature
As anyone who reads our “Fuzzy Meadows” column already knows, the “list” is just the beginning, and we’re always eager to add some “Further Listening” for consideration. Despite what some would have you believe, music is not a contest. We profiled many records in our “Year In Review” feature, but the fun doesn’t stop there.
Post-Trash's Year In Review: The Best of 2022
Tropical Fuck Storm - "Moonburn" | Album Review
While “Moonburn” and “Aspirin - Slight Return” would make for a stellar 7-inch, two additional cover songs really make this cassette an essential listen. Clocking in around fifteen minutes, Moonburn still captures the expansive vibes of earlier TFS albums like Braindrops and Deep States—records for a long drive down a lysergic highway.
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (August 1st - August 7th)
Erica Dunn (MOD CON, Tropical Fuck Storm, Palm Springs) Discusses Songwriting, Post-Lockdown Inspiration, and Music Education | Feature Interview
Writing music is a way of life for Erica Dunn. She currently fronts the band MOD CON, offers her unique writing and playing talents to Tropical Fuck Storm, and quietly strums pensive songs on a nylon string guitar for Palm Springs. Dunn spoke to Post-Trash about inspiration, music theory, and what’s next for her myriad of different projects.