Dummy - "Free Energy" | Album Review
Sonny & The Sunsets - "Self Awareness Through Macrame" | Album Review
Nightshift - "Homosapien" | Album Review
Forty Feet Tall - "Good For You" | Post-Trash Premiere
Dummy - "Minus World" Video | Post-Trash Premiere
Out This Week | Post-Trash Highlights
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: Mabe Fratti - "Sentir que no sabes"
MJ Lenderman - "Manning Fireworks" | Album Review
Fuzzy Meadows: The Week's Best New Music (August 26th - September 1st)
Facing - "Water" | Post-Trash Premiere
Illuminati Hotties - "Power" | Album Review
White Collar - "White Collar" | Album Review
Lerryn - "You Are My Love" | Post-Trash Premiere
Out This Week | Post-Trash Highlights
PYPY - "Lonely Striped Sock" | Post-Trash Premiere
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: Parsnip - "Behold"
Pop music that’s unafraid to be messy, frayed around the edges, and even a tinge dissonant scratches a very particular kind of itch. On Behold, Melbourne’s Parsnip fits this bill quite satisfyingly, never relying on the gritty texture of lo-fi production or the posturing of a scuzzy garage revival band.