The Bandcamp 40: A Feature To Support Artists in Quarantine — POST-TRASH Post-Trash Facebook Post-Trash Twitter

The Bandcamp 40: A Feature To Support Artists in Quarantine


by Dan Goldin (@post_trash_)

I’m pretty tired of this whole COVID-19 business, but until the world is disease free, it’s important we all stay indoors, in self-quarantine, and not further spread the disease. As we all know, that’s easier said than done and has wreaked havoc on bands and artists (and record labels) that depend on touring for their income. Bandcamp, always eager to do good in the world, have decided to lift their percentage cut on all releases (physical, digital, merch, etc) today, Friday, March 20th in an effort to get you buying and musicians paid. We’re all for it.

There are literally thousands and thousands of records that deserve your attention on Bandcamp. We essentially recommend a few every day (you know… on this website) but we also understand that everyone has a limited income and you just can’t buy them all, at least not in one day. While my anxiety is at an all time high trying to decide what to recommend (as I said, we’re obviously leaving off boatloads of important releases), we still wanted to recommend something, so here are forty releases (old and new) we recommend for bands who:

a) had tours cancelled
b) have new releases dropping during the pandemic
c) who have lost their hourly day-jobs and all sense of income
d) albums that we just love and think you should know about

I hope you find something to enjoy and I’m sure whatever albums you purchase, the band’s will be grateful. One parting note before the list, the Bandcamp percentage isn’t all that big to begin with, so when Friday ends… just keep buying. Buy all year. Support the bands you care about and those bands will be able to continue making music.


BAMBARA | “Stray”

BETHLEHEM STEEL | “Bethlehem Steel” + DAMP | “Damp”

BIG | BRAVE | “A Gaze Among Them”

CATE LE BON | “Crab Day”


CLAMM | “Beseech Me”

COLD FEET | “Punk Entity”

COLD MEAT | “Hot and Flustered”

DERADOORIAN | “Find The Sun”

DISHEVELED CUSS | “Disheveled Cuss”

EDITRIX | “Talk To Me”

EERIE WANDA | “Pet Town”


EXHALANTS | “Exhalants”

EYE FLYS | “Tub of Lard”

FULL OF HELL | “Weeping Choir”

GONZO | “Do It Better Again”

GRACE SINGS SLUDGE | “Christ Mocked & The End of a Relationship”

HANDLE | “In Threes”

HOLIDAY MUSIC | “Certified Ailments”

HORSE LORDS | “The Common Task”

LITHICS | “Tower of Age”

MACULA DOG | “Breezy”



NOVA ONE | “Lovable”

OHMME | “Fantasize Your Ghost”

OLD MAN GLOOM | “Seminar VIII: Light Of Meaning”

PEEL DREAM MAGAZINE | “Agitprop Alterna”


SHELL OF A SHELL | “Away Team”

SOUR WIDOWS | “Sour Widows”

STEVE HARTLETT | “Solitude For Dummies”

STUCK | “Change Is Bad”

SQUITCH | “Uncle Steve In Spirit”



WEEPING ICON | “Weeping Icon”

YOUBET | “Compare And Despair”