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High Pop - "Tough Love" Short Film

Director Ryan Schnackenberg recently made a short film documenting High Pop's tour last April, here's what he had to say about it,

“Tough Love” came about in a very practical sense. High Pop had booked an extended weekend type tour, and I decided to bring my camera. 

There’s a huge amount of downtime on the road, so everyone was (usually) happy to mess around and work together on a scene. There was little to no planning day to day, other than a general consensus on who should be the next to go. Taking the documentary approach gave us a little more freedom with the “script”, but I’d be lying if I said I ever really knew what we were making. Part of me still doesn’t, but maybe that works in our favor. 

My relationship with High Pop began as a fan, and then eventually as part of the line up, and that position has allowed me to look for narratives and through lines within the music; self reference, idol worship, and a keen sense of sadness and humor."